miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013


The bocachico scientific name is Prochilodus magdalenae; 

The bocachico is a migratory fish of continental water. Is a very common fish in the Magdalena and Sinu rivers, it is a medium size fish in which his maximum longitude is of 60 cm, it has teeth on his lips and not in the jaw. The general color of the Bocachico is silver with their fins reddish or yellowish. He eats vegetal material and organic material in decomposion. His popular name (Bocachico) comes because he has a small mouth with very little teeth. The Bocachico is a fish which is really important for the economy of Colombia because hundredths of thousandths of fishers have depend for many years, specially the last few ones, of it for their own economy. 
The taxonomy of the Bocachico is:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopteryqii
order: characiformers
family: Prochilodontidae
genus: Prochilodus
specie: P. magdalenae

Role of the species

" The bocachico has traditionally been the fish of greater economic importance of Colombia. Hundredths of Thousandths of fishermen have relied on mainly it for their live hood. It is estimated that in  the best moments, the bocahico came to constitute 60% of the fishing in the basis of the magdalena river (Mojica & Alvarez 2002) " (OPEPA)

Reasons of the extinction: 

  • The inbreeding: can't interbreed. They can´t interbreed, becuase people are hunting them before the Bocachico has the lenght or size to interbreed which is 25cm approximately. 
  • Sediment: because of deforestation.
  • Introduction of new exotic species. This exotic species are stronger or bigger than the Bocachico and are eating them.
  • Over fishing: fishing more than the allowed 
  • The use of wrong ways of hunting: use of wrong materials. This materials are, most of them, chemiclas that are polluting the water
  • The contamination of the water. 
  • Stream clugged: people clugg the streams so the fishes are affected. 

Strategies developed to protect the species: 

The strategies developed to protect the specie in which the people, society, entities, and government are involved are the following:

  • making new strategies of conservation, investigation, in which it includes the control, the use and the management of the specie, in this case the Bocachico, for continue having the specie, and make it survive
  • this works and strategies comes from the participation of the different regions  and local communities 
  • the "URRA" for example is helping by the stimuli of the reproduction of this specie, taking into account the increase and decrease of the sinu river specially.
  • not fishing bocachico in a small size

Controversial Question:

Do you think that fishing the bocachico should be illegal?


http://www.opepa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=438&Itemid=29 OpEPA - Organización para la Educación y Protección Ambiental - Bocachico. (n.d.). OpEPA - Organización para la Educación y Protección Ambiental - Inicio. Retrieved May 20, 2013, from http://www.opepa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=438&Item

Dahl, G. 1971. Los peces del norte de Colombia. Inderena. Bogotá, Colombia.

Mojica, J.I. & Álvarez-León. 2002. Prochilodus magdalenae. En: Mojica, J.I., Castellanos, C., Usma, J.S. & Álvarez, R. (eds.) Libro rojo de peces dulceacuícolas de Colombia. Serie Libros Rojos de especies amenazadas de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Bogotá, Colombia.

http://elbochachico.blogspot.com/ El Bocachico. (n.d.). El Bocachico. Retrieved May 20, 2013, from http://elbochachico.blogspot.com/
http://noticias.universia.net.co/vida-universitaria/noticia/2007/04/09/251528/bocachico-peligro-extincion.html El bocachico, en peligro de extinción. (n.d.). Noticias. Actualidad universitaria. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from http://noticias.universia.net.co/vida-universitaria/noticia/2007/04/09/251528/bocachico-peligro-extincion.html

30 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Do you think that fishing the bocachico should be illegal?
    - If it is in extintion, people should stop hunting the animal for a while. When it is abundant, now start to fish.

    Really good information and images.

  3. Good design, good information and images. You should say the age in which bocachicos can interbreed and add bocachicos predators other than humans. Check spelling.

  4. yes, I think it must be illegal, this is a a way of prottecting it, however it is important that people is familiarized with the specie for knowing with certanty that boccachico is a especie in extiction danger in this way they will not be killed. In the other hand local communities must be teached by experts the important contribution of the specie in the ecosystem.

    Your blog is very organize and beautifull, however i can notice you are missing the reole in the ecosystem, you had put the role on economy but not in the ecosystem.
    The design is beautifull and organize!
    BY: Sofia Garcia-herreros.

  5. Do you think that fishing the bocachico should be illegal?
    Yes, I think it should be ilegal, because this are desperate times where extreme measurements should be taken. If we dont act now, the specie will die forever. So, as Alejandro Zuluaga said, when the situation is under control again, the fishing of the bocachico could be legal again.
    -Alejandra B :)

  6. Boca chico shouldn't be legal but only for the years this specie reproduces and starts living in "peace". until that time we shouldn't be looking to fish this animal because its an endagered specie.
    good blog, info, and design

  7. I think the blog has a good design with colors and images. The information is organized and includes everything. It is also enjoyable to read.
    -Alejandra B :)

  8. it is very radical to make ilegal the bocachico hunting, but i think there should be measures to be taken such as: people should "cultivate" fish in the same amount they hunt them, and the bocachico should be introduced to other coutries with suitable environments for them to expand their population.
    the type of letter is very ugly and doesnt fit the page, the information is good but very brief.

  9. Bocachico should be fish only in some epochs of the year so that they can interbreed before they are hunt, in this way the economy is not affected and the specie neither.

  10. To protect the species, I think that the solution is exactly what the controversial quetion says: To make the bocachico fishing ilegal. Because in that way the population could increase, and when the situation is controled again, the fishing could be allowed again.

  11. I think that it shouldnt be iligal IF people hunt it taking into acount the conditions that were establishe, like only taking it if it has certein size
    really nice blog

  12. Good blog, complete and with good inforation that is organized.
    I think that fishing the Bocachico shouldn´t be illegal but there must be ceratin restrinctions of fishing this animal for preserving it.

  13. Do you think fishing the bocachico should be illegal? No because a lot of people consume it, but a posible solution would be to prohibe the fishing of bocachico during a prudent time, for it to increase it population, and after that only fishing really big fishes, for making shure that they had alredy interbreed. Feedback: your design was really good, and the pictures were very interesting, in general your blog was pretty good.

  14. The fishing of bocachico shouldnt be illigal, but controlled. Because many fhisher man depend on it.

    Other solution for protecting this specie might be the consience on the people to nuy other fishes too. Also, as Nicolas says, it should only be fished only in some epocht for it to be able to grow and reproduce befor being fhished.

    The blog is very interesting. The information is complete and well organized, but there are just few images. Good blog.

  15. The fishing of this specie should not be illegal, it should be controlled for a while and make people to get awareness of the extinction of this species.

    Some ideas to protect this species : Put certain rules of hunting, prohibited for a time for it to reproduce again without anyone hunting them, make an awareness on hunters for them to don`t over hunt this species.

    The blog is really organized, the information is really complete and easy to understand. It is enjoyable to read this blog due to the pictures and the letter. It loos awesome and has a great structure.

  16. I should not be illegal because it functions as the food for the inhabitants from the surroundings of the Magdalena River. Possibles solutions for preventing the extinction of this specie: 1. Find other sources of food. 2. Make conscious the inhabitants of this problem, so they understand why they can not fish this animal. I liked the design, nice pictures and good, precise and clear information.

  17. Controvertial Question:
    It should be ilegal to overfish the species, to fish it in with wrong parameters and the activities that polute the rivers, but if this fishing is restricted, Colombian econmy would decrease, making people poorer (economically and culturally)and reducing Colombian devlopment.

    Ideas to Preserve the Species:
    I think that your ideas are good, but what I suggest, is to do them with legislative nourishment (making ilegal its overfishing, etc). With this help, the government can make presence in the territory judicially. This would decrease the ilegal activites related to "Bocachico".

    Content: I think the information is complete, but very superficial, so you should go deeper in your descriptions. Also, I think that you shoul improve your grammar and writting, to preserve coherence.

    Design: You did a very good and organized design. Very good job!

    Camilo Mendoza Zamudio.

  18. I dont think that it should be ilegal to fish bocachico because the fishing of the animal helps the economic activities of the region, but i think the amount of fishing and the size(age) of the fish being fished sould be controled by authorities.
    the blog is nice an easy to read, it has many pictures that are related to the topic good job :D
    -Isabel Cardenas-

  19. Answer to the question: I think fishing the bocachico could continue being be legal, but following some restrictions (mentioned in the ideas to protect the species).

    Ideas to protect the species: Fishing this species should be restricted, bocachico should only be fished after it is over certaing weight, and the small fish which are captured by accident should be released. People should grow the fish that they are going to sell at their restaurants. The bocachico should only be allowed to be fished at certain seasons of the year, not when they are reproducing,and only in certain places; this should be controlled by local authorities.

    Feedback: Your blog is really nice, the information is complete and coherent, the images are accurate and it is enjoyable to read. Good job

  20. exelent work! I think you blog is organised, the design is great and you include just enough information for the reader to understand.

    I mostly agree with the ideas that you published, I think that to protect the specie the government should stablish an appropiate limit of fish that can be fished and have a control system to supervise how much fish is beign fished and penalize who ever exeed the stablished amount.

    I don´t think it should be illegal because it is base of many people´s economy and that is very important too. But I think people should be conscious of the damage they are making to the environment if they overfish and I think that overshing should be illegal, but fishing with limits shouldn´t be illegal as long as people respects nature.

  21. I think the fishing of Bocachico shouldnt be illegal it should be control but dont illegal.
    An ideato protect the animal is to put certain restrictions such as the epoch were the animal is hunted and the amount the animal is hunted.Also found other things to eat and eat the exotic specias that is killing with Bocachico.
    You blog is good and with complete information.

  22. It shouldn´t be illegal, because as you said many fishermen life depends on the fishing activity of the Bocachico. The solution should be that for the fishermen that fish the Bocachico in great amounts or before its interbreeding period, the authority should gave them a punishment or a kind of ticket.

  23. I think it should be ilegal, it could be a good strategie to stop its extinction nevertheless this isnt the only factor endangering this species, we should implement other strategies to stop the other problems.

  24. To protect the bocachico we should implement strategies to stop fishing it or restricting the age in which it could be fished. also try not to use chemicals that pollute water.

  25. The info. is complete, clear, and well written, the images are great and it is enjoyable to read your blog.

  26. Your font, colors, images and information is very good and nice! You should establish restrictictions forthe specie

  27. I think it should be illegal because we are talking about the risk of loosing a species.

    Well done, the blog is complete and very interesting

  28. your design and information are really good, some strategies should help protecting the bocachico.

  29. In response to the controversial question, i think that fishing of tis species and of any endangered species should completely forbidden within the national territory. It is true that it is the base of the economy in certain regions, but the preservation is much more important than the economic activities; people can find other way of sustainment.

    A new idea to protect this species is to give classes of lectures to the fishers in the region in order to make them understand why the preservation of the species is essential, why they will make the fishing of the Bocachico forbidden and why the fishing of the species will be severely punished.

    I think that the blog is really nice, organized and "likeable". The background is awesome, although it is not the Magdalena river. There are many images that are really nice and thanks the white titles it is easy to find the information. I would suggest to change the font of the sources of information because it makes the blog to lose design, there were some spelling mistakes, but other than that the blog is a really nice blog
